We are eager to collaborate with institutions that share our commitment to advancing knowledge in neuroscience, narrative studies, and artificial intelligence. By fostering partnerships within our intellectual community, we aim to create a larger, more inclusive network that enhances research, exchange ideas, and drives innovation. Our vision extends beyond local boundaries, with the potential for international collaborations in the future, allowing us to bring even more diverse perspectives and expertise to the forefront. Together, we can strengthen our collective impact and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in these dynamic fields.
We welcome collaboration proposals from individuals and organizations interested in advancing the fields of neuroscience, narrative studies, and artificial intelligence. Whether you have a project idea, research initiative, or event in mind, we are eager to explore how we can work together to foster innovation and dialogue. Our goal is to create meaningful partnerships that enrich our community and expand our collective impact. If you’re interested in collaborating with us, please reach Marcos Arranz or Christopher Kelty to discuss your ideas and how we can support each other in our endeavors.
You can contact us at: marranz@socgen.ucla.edu
Find the list of institutions with whom NNAI Livescu actively collaborates for their activities:
UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society
UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry (C2i2)