
NNAI aims to locate innovative, critical and unconventional research possibilities, at the edges of AI, neuroscience, cognition etc. Especially where humanities approaches are central and represent a perhaps risky or novel departure from the usual investigations. As a project devoted to raising the intellectual tenor of current debates, we especially support proposals that intervene in ideas beyond a single discipline or topical debate. NNAI supports proposals that forge new concepts, approaches and questions as well as supporting the excellence of work that is already ongoing. We value a collective cross-discipline cultivation of research ideas that include faculty seminars, public lectures, events or symposiums, and ultimately lead to funding undergraduate, graduate students, or post-doctoral research projects.

  • Workshops and Symposiums, organized along the development of our inquires and core interests.
  • Stories, a series of activities including public lectures, a podcast (“How to Think”), and faculty seminars.
  • Research projects will support undergraduate, graduate students and Post-Docs to develop ideas derived from NNAI conversations.


NNAI is devoted to fostering dialogue and creative, unconventional innovation. Universities remain places driven by narrow disciplinary specialization, buried in the sedimentary layers of department culture and bureaucratic gridlock: NNAI aims to counterbalance this by providing a place for faculty and students to interact, think, tinker with ideas and questions, ask dumb questions and also very smart ones not asked elsewhere in the university. We foster this community through the deliberate and surprisingly hard work of getting people into a room together, finding opportunities for innovation or fostering a mutual respect for different approaches to the problems facing us today, and in the past.

  • Newsroom is meant to share the most relevant news related to NNAI Livescu including updates, writing and news from participating faculty and students.
  • Co-Ops are aimed at expanding our reach and collaborating with the rich milieu of institutions at UCLA and beyond, focused on similar issues.

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UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics
621 Charles E. Young Dr. South
Box 957221, 3360 LSB
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7221


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